職 稱:研究員
學 歷:美國丹佛大學量化研究法博士
- Lim, T. Z., Umat, C., Chen, P.-H., Gan, C. H., & Goh, B. S. (2024). Instruments for evaluating the parental emotional status and ecological support systems among parents who considered cochlear implantation for their children with hearing loss: A scoping review. PloS one, 19(7), e0305748. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0305748【SCIE】
- Lo, M., Lin, Y. X., Hue, C. W., Chen, S. Y., Wang, T. Y., & Chen, P. H. (2024). Cross-modal digit span and vocabulary proficiency in deaf or hard-of-hearing children. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, enae020. https://doi.org/10.1093/jdsade/enae020【SSCI】
- Chu, C. Y., Chen, P. H., Tsai, Y. S., Chen, C. A., Chan, Y. C., & Ciou, Y. J. (2024). Effect of sample length on MLU in Mandarin-speaking hard-of-hearing children. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, enae007. https://doi.org/10.1093/deafed/enae007【SSCI】
- Hung, Y. C., Lim, T. Z., Chen, P.-H., & Tsai, Y. S. (2024). Hearing aid wear time and its impact on vocabulary in preschoolers with moderately severe to profound hearing loss. International journal of audiology, 1–9. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/14992027.2024.2313017【SCIE】
- Chu, C.-Y., Chen, P.-H., Tsai, Y. S., Chen, C. A., Chan, Y. C., & Ciou, Y. J. (2024). Effect of sample length on MLU in Mandarin-speaking hard-of-hearing children. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, enae007. https://doi.org/10.1093/deafed/enae007【SSCI】
- Lim, T. Z., & Chen, P.-H. (2023). Does the duration matter? Effect of cochlear implantation on language development in Mandarin-speaking children with hearing loss. Cochlear Implants International, 24(4), 205-215. https://doi.org/10.1080/14670100.2023.2194052【ESCI】
- Chen, P.-H., & Chu, C.-Y. (2023). Differential language performance of Mandarin-speaking children with and without hearing loss. Speech, Languageand Hearing, 27(2), 104-112. https://doi.org/10.1080/2050571X.2023.2233153【ESCI】
- Chen, P.-H., Yu, Y.-C., & Tsai, Y.-S. (2022). Perspectives and performance changes of parents in aural–oral rehabilitation: From in-person to telepractice. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. https://doi.org/10.1177/1357633X221146394【SCI】
- Chen, P.-H., & Lim, T. Z. (2022). Determination of language performance by discriminant function analysis in Mandarin-speaking preschoolers with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 155, 111088. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35202902/【SCI】
- Hung, Y.-C., Chen, P.-H., Lin, T.-H., & Lim, T.-Z. (2022). Children With Unilateral Hearing Loss After Newborn Hearing Screening in Taiwan. American Journal of Audiology, 31(3), 646-655. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35728040/【SCI】(2023 Editor’s Award, American Journal of Audiology.)
- Chen, P.-H., Lim, T. Z., Chang, S.-T., & Cho, M.-Y. (2021). Developing new scales for assessing parents’ aural and oral rehabilitation skills to interact with children with hearing loss. International Journal of Audiology, 60(10), 797-807. https://doi.org/10.1080/14992027.2020.1861345【SCI】
- Chen, P.-H., & Lim, T. Z. (2021). Newborn hearing screening and early auditory based treatment in Taiwan: Action trends of families with children who are hearing impaired. International Journal of Audiology, 60(7), 514-520. https://doi.org/10.1080/14992027.2020.1837970【SCI】
- Chen, P.-H., Lim, T. Z., & Huang, W.-Q. (2021). Learning progress of fathers compared to mothers in auditory-verbal rehabilitation: A pilot study. Deafness and Education International, 23(2), 103-122. https://doi.org/10.1080/14643154.2020.1790100【ESCI】
- Chen, P. -H., & Liu, T. -W. (2021). Does parental education level matter? Dynamic effect of parents on family-centred early intervention for children with hearing loss. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 68(4), 457-478. https://doi.org/10.1080/1034912X.2019.1693033【SSCI】
- Lo, M., Lin, Y.-X., Chen, X.-Y., Chen, P.-H., & Lin, C.-Y. (2019). Auditory Memory Span in Mandarin-Speaking Preschoolers with Congenital Hearing Loss: Impact of Task Structure. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 33, supp1. https://doi.org/10.1080/13854046.2019.1624828【SSCI】
- Chen, P.-H., Liu, S.-F., & Lim, T.-Z. (2019). Self-exploration of teenagers with hearing loss in Taiwan. The Hearing Journal. Retrieved from https://journals.lww.com/thehearingjournal/blog/OnlineFirst/pages/post.aspx?PostID=44
- Chen, P.-H., Lim, T.- Z., & Yeh, S.-F. (2019). Trends in early hearing intervention in Taiwan. The Hearing Journal. Retrieved from https://journals.lww.com/thehearingjournal/blog/OnlineFirst/pages/post.aspx?PostID=42
- Chen, P.-H., & Fu, J.-T. (2018). Examining Measurement Properties of the Revised Preschool Language Assessment for Use with Mandarin-Speaking Children. Language Assessment Quarterly, 15:4, 348-367. https://doi.org/10.1080/15434303.2018.1529176【SSCI】
- Hong, H.-M., Chang, Y., Chen, P.-H., Ma, Y. J. (2018). Implementing Parents’ Audiological Management to Help Hearing-Impaired Children. The Hearing Journal.
- Lim, T.-Z. & Chen, P.-H. (2018). A incredible daddy: The potential caregiver for children with hearing loss. The Hearing Journal. http://bit.ly/2Q4fK3O
- Chen, P.-H., & Liu, T.-W. (2017). A pilot study of telepractice for teaching listening and spoken language to Mandarin-speaking children with congenital hearing loss. Deafness and Education International, 19, 134-143. https://doi.org/10.1080/14643154.2017.1402567【ESCI】
- 陳姵樺、傅仁佐(2015)。聽覺口語法家長講座對聽障兒童家長教學技巧與動機的影響。中國聽力語言康復科學雜誌,13(6),頁276-279。https://www.360qikan.com/zgtlyykfkx/201504/1297273.html
- 洪萱眉、張逸屏、陳姵樺(2015)。家長與聽覺口語師對聽障兒童聽能技巧評估的一致性探討。中國聽力語言康復科學雜誌,13(6),頁462-464。https://www.360qikan.com/zgtlyykfkx/201506/1297065.html
- 陳姵樺、傅仁佐(2014)。聽覺經驗及聽覺口語法療育時間對聽障兒童語言表現之影響。中國聽力語言康復科學雜誌,64,197-201。 https://www.360qikan.com/zgtlyykfkx/201403/1297074.html
- Chu, C.-Y., Chan, Y.-C., Chen, P.-C., Chen, C.-A., Ciou, Y.-J., Tsai, Y.-S., & Chen, P.-H. (2024, Dec.). Grammatical development of Chinese-speaking children with mild to moderate hearing loss. Poster presented at 2024 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention, USA, online.
- Chen, P.-H., Huang P.-C., & Tsai, Y.-S. (2024, Dec.). Leveraging Family-Centered Approaches for Infants With Hearing Loss: Insights From the Children’s Hearing Foundation. ePoster presented at 2024 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference (virtual conference).
- Chen, P.-H., & Tsai, Y.-S. (2024, Dec.). Survival Analysis of Time Children With ANSD Take to Achieve Age-Appropriate Language Development. Paper presented at 2024 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference (virtual conference).
- Chu, C.-Y., Chang, Y.-C, Chen, P.-C., Chen, C.-A, Chu, Y.-C, Tsai, Y.-S., & Chen, P.-H. (2024, Dec.) Grammatical Development of Chinese-Speaking Children With Mild to Moderate Hearing Loss. Paper presented at 2024 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference (virtual conference).
- 朱家瑩、劉馥瑂、詹益智、陳姵樺(2024年11月)。學齡前聽損兒童及聽常兒童語言成長速率之初探。海報發表於第二十五屆兒童發展早期療育國際論文發表大會。臺北:國立臺北教育大學。
- Lim T.-Z., Cila Umat, Chen, P.-H., Bee See Goh, Chun Hong Gan. (2024, Sep.). Parental Experiences of the Parent-to-Parent Support Group Throughout Their Children’s Cochlear Implantation Journey: A Preliminary Finding. Presented at 36th World Congress of Audiology, Paris, France.
- Lo, M., Chen, S. Y., Lin, Y. X., & Chen, P.-H. (2023, October). From hearing to sequencing: The role of auditory deprivation in cognitive and linguistic outcome in children. Paper presented at 2023 Taiwan Psychology Association Annual Conference, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
- Chen, P.-H., Tsai, Y.-S., & Yu, Y.-C. (2023, Aug.). Characteristics of Parents of Children Enrolled in Telepractice: A Discriminant Function Analysis. Oral presented at 2023World Congress of the IALP, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Chang, Y., Chang, S.-T., Hong, H.-M., Ma, Y.-C. J., Hsieh, Y.-W., Huang, S.-W., Lu, C.-L., & Chen, P.-H. (2023, Aug). Enhancing aural habilitation outcomes of children with hearing loss by supporting parents’ implementation of audiological management. Presented at 32nd World Congress of the IALP, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Li, Y.-J., Hung, Y.-C., Tsai, Y.-S., & Chen, P.-H. (2023, June). Device wear time: parent reports vs datalogs. Presented at the 2023 AG Bell Global Listening and Spoken Language Symposium(virtual).
- Shen, T.-C., Yu, S.-M., Chen, P.-H., Lin, K.-P., & Tsai, C.-L. (2022, Dec.) Sound Localization Training System for Hearing Impaired Children. Poster presented at 2022 Global Conference on Biomedical Engineering (GCBME), Taipei, Taiwan.
- Chen, P.-H., Tsai, Y.-S. & Yu, Y.-C. (2022, Nov.). Difference in Parental Teaching and Behavioural Skills of Children with Different Severity of Hearing Loss. Poster presented at 2022 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference (virtual conference).
- 張舒婷、張逸屏、陳姵樺(2022年12月)。聽損兒童於聽能創健歷程中之聽覺技巧發展:與聽常兒童比較。發表於台灣聽力語言學會111年度學術研討會。台北:三軍總醫院。
- 邱彥哲、陳潔安、朱家瑩、詹益智、蔡宜欣、陳姵樺(2022年12月)。學齡前聽損兒童的複句發展。發表於台灣聽力語言學會111年度學術研討會。台北:三軍總醫院。
- Chu, C. Y., Chen, P. H., Tsai, Y. H., Chen, C. A., Chan, Y. C., & Ciou, Y. J. (2022). The Relationship between Language Sample Size and Mean Length of Utterance in Hearing-impaired Children. Poster presented at 2022 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention, USA, online.
- Chang, Y., Chang, S.-T., Hong, H.-M., & Chen, P.-H. (2021, Dec.). The auditory skill development of children with bilateral cochlear implants: exploring the roles of pre- and post-implantation auditory experiences. Oral poster presented at 13th Asia Pacific Symposium on Cochlear Implantation and Related Sciences (APSCI). (virtual conference).
- 林堂智、陳姵樺、洪右真、朱家瑩(2021年12月)。智慧聽測:談適性化語音測驗之適用性與準確性。發表於台灣聽力語言學會110年度學術研討會 。台中:中山醫學大學。
- 林堂智、陳姵樺(2021年12月)。植入人工電子耳對聽神經病變光譜障礙兒童語言表現之助益。發表於台灣聽力語言學會110年度學術研討會 。台中:中山醫學大學。
- 林堂智、陳姵樺(2021年12月)。談人工電子耳及早植入與使用時長影響之影響聽損兒童語言發展之差異性。發表於台灣聽力語言學會110年度學術研討會 。台中:中山醫學大學。
- 朱家瑩、陳姵樺、陳潔安(2021年12月)。不同聽損程度的聽損兒童之心智理論發展。發表於台灣聽力語言學會110年度學術研討會 。台中:中山醫學大學。
- 陳潔安、朱家瑩、詹益智、蔡宜欣、陳姵樺(2021年12月)。學齡前聽常及聽損兒童緊縮句發展。發表於台灣聽力語言學會110年度學術研討會 。台中:中山醫學大學。
- 林堂智、陳姵樺(2021年11月)。植入人工電子耳之聽神經病變兒童語言發展現況調查。發表於第二十二屆兒童發展早期療育國際論文發表大會 。台中:東海大學。
- 詹益智、朱家瑩、陳潔安、柯廷樺、蔡宜欣、王璽鈞、陳姵樺(2021年11月)。輕度至中度華語聽障兒童之形態句法發展。發表於第二十二屆兒童發展早期療育國際論文發表大會暨以家庭為中心工作坊 。台中:東海大學。
- 朱家瑩、陳姵樺、陳潔安、蔡宜欣(2021年11月)。影響聽損兒童父母心智言談因素初探: 早期療育的角色。發表於第二十二屆兒童發展早期療育國際論文發表大會暨以家庭為中心工作坊 。台中:東海大學。
- Hung, Y.-C., Chen, P.-H., & Lim, T.Z. (2021, Nov.). Maximize the benefits of hearing aids for language development of children with hearing loss. Oral poster presented at 2021 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference (virtual conference).
- Lin, T.-H., Chen, P.-H., & Hung, Y.-C. (2021, Nov.). Sleep duration of children with typical hearing and hearing loss in Taiwan. Oral poster presented at 2021 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference (virtual conference).
- Lim,T.Z., & Chen, P. -H. (2021, Nov.). Risk factors of delay in language development of children with Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder. Oral poster presented at 2021 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference (virtual conference).
- Lim, T. Z., & Chen, P. -H. (2021, Nov.). Exploratory of language development trajectories of Mandarin-speaking preschoolers with hearing loss. Oral poster presented at 2021 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference (virtual conference).
- 蔡宜欣、陳姵樺、余雅筑(2021年11月)。Covid-19下的聽語療育:家長教學和行為技巧於實體及遠距課程之差異。發表於台灣教育研究學會2021國際學術研討會。高雄:國立中山大學。
- 蔡宜欣、朱家瑩、陳姵樺、陳潔安(2021年11月)。聽損兒童家長教學和行為技巧與家長語言輸入質量之關聯性探討。發表於台灣教育研究學會2021國際學術研討會。高雄:國立中山大學。
- 朱家瑩、陳姵樺、陳潔安(2021年10月)。華語聽常及聽損兒童心智理論發展歷程差異比較。發表於2021年台灣心理學會年會。台北:國立台灣大學。
- Chu, J.-Y., Chen, C.-A., Tsai, Y.-X., & Chen, P.-H. (2021, July). Theory of Mind understanding in Hearing-Impaired Children: The role of Parents’ Mental State Talk. Oral poster presented at ASHA School Connect 2021 (virtual conference).
- Chang, Y., Chang, S.-T., Hong, H.-M., & Chen, P.-H. (2021, July). Evaluating the functional auditory skills of children with bilateral CIs and bimodal fitting. Oral poster presented at 2021 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP) (virtual conference).
- Chang, Y., Chang, S.-T., Hong, H.-M., & Chen, P.-H. (2021, June). Auditory skills development: closing the gap. Oral poster presented at 2021 AG Bell Global LSL Virtual Symposium (virtual conference).
- Chu, J.-Y., Chan, Y.-C., Chen, C.-A., Ke, T.-H., Tsai, Y.-X., Wang, X.-J., & Chen, P.-H. (2021, June). Grammatical development of Chinese-speaking children who are hard of hearing in comparison with normal hearing peers. Oral poster presented at 2021 Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Wisconsin-Madison: USA (virtual conference).
- 林堂智、陳姵樺(2020年12月)。右耳優勢效應是否存在?探討人工電子耳不同側植入之語言表現差異。發表於台灣聽力語言學會一百零九年度學術研討會。高雄:高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院。
- 林堂智、陳姵樺、張秀雯(2020年12月)。探討影響聽神經病變光譜障礙兒童語言表現之因素。發表於台灣聽力語言學會一百零九年度學術研討會。高雄:高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院。
- 王璽鈞、林子彙、林堂智、蔡宜欣、陳姵樺、洪右真(2020年12月)。感覺與真實:談助聽器配戴穩定度於家長自陳與輔具讀取紀錄的差異。發表於台灣聽力語言學會一百零九年度學術研討會。高雄:高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院。
- 林堂智、蔡宜欣、王璽鈞、林子彙、陳姵樺、洪右真(2020年12月)。影響助聽器配戴穩定度的因子:以學齡前聽損兒童為例。發表於台灣聽力語言學會一百零九年度學術研討會。高雄:高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院。
- 蔡宜欣、王璽鈞、林子彙、林堂智、陳姵樺、洪右真(2020年12月)。影響聽損兒童配戴穩定度之預測因子。發表於台灣聽力語言學會一百零九年度學術研討會。高雄:高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院。
- 張逸屏、張舒婷、洪萱眉、陳姵樺(2020年12月)。學前聽損幼兒之聽覺技巧發展:參照常童數據以評估療育成效之初探。發表於台灣聽力語言學會一百零九年度學術研討會。高雄:高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院。
- 陳姵樺(2022年)。成為永續發展的推手-從聽語服務創造正向迴圈。雅文聽語期刊,41,2-6.
- 陳姵樺(2020年)。聽語療育零距離,學習成效不打折。雅文聽語期刊,38,2-6。
- 陳姵樺(2014年)。聽覺口語法之認知教學。專書章節-以家庭為中心的聽覺障礙早期療育:聽覺口語法理論與實務。
- 陳姵樺、傅仁佐(2014年)。談學齡聽損兒童語言發展之影響因素。聽語復健資訊站電子報。
- 陳姵樺(2014年)。有效療育的關鍵:談聽覺年齡與療育時間的重要性。雅文聽語期刊,26。
- Newborn Hearing Screening and Early Auditory Based Treatment in Taiwan: Action Trends of Families with Children Who Are Hearing Impaired 。桃園:台灣耳科醫學會110年度春季研討會暨林口長庚聽語中心成立三周年紀念論壇。2021年3月20日。
- 聽損者的自我探索旅程:談認同與倡議。台北:台北大學。2020年12月10日。
- 微聽損家庭就醫歷程與生活適應。中國:聽覺口語法線上研討會。2020年12月5日。
- 微聽損就醫歷程與生活適應樣貌探討(與陳俐靜社工師共同講授)。台北:居安思「微」,有備則無患研討會。2020年10月18日。
- 單側聽損兒童的聽語療育:過去、現在與未來。台北:兒童聽能發展研討會。2020年5月17日。
- 遠距視訊技術在聽語復健課程的運用。台灣:第五屆海峽兩岸特殊教育高端論壇。2018年11月9日。
- 聽損青少年自我倡議內涵及實務研討。馬偕紀念醫院台北總院:聽能創健與復健:與聽損者一路相伴(與陳暐文社工員共同講授)。2017年9月24日。
- 遠程通訊技術在聽障兒童早期干預的應用。中國北京:2016中國聽力語言論壇。2016年11月13日。