“Where is the magic gem?”
“Here it is!”
Such vibrant voice echoed the entire classroom because of the summer camp held by the Chung Yuan Christian University Language Center and Department of Special Education.
During the two days event, we explored a variety of plants in the nature, and used the plants as media to create different works. We got to understand some scientific principles and apply them to make a vehicle with various materials that can stay in the air, an air cannon and a kaleidoscope. We also created our unique caterpillar in handicraft activity. The children not only had a lot of fun, obtained experiences and knowledge, but also learned how to work with others, help others and cooperate. This truly helps the children with their social experience.
Figure 1:The magical leaf could become a stamp!
Figure 2: Hurry up! I found the same clothes!
Figure 3: Let’s make the clay into a caterpillar!
Figure 4: Let’s sing and dance together.
At the end of the camp, parents were invited to the graduation ceremony. The children welcomed their parents with a wonderful dance performance. The parents also get to learn more about the camp through the review video.
Figure 5: We’ll see you again next year!
Time flies, the camp was put to an end with a group photo. Seeing the children saying goodbye and giving hugs to each other and left happily with their parents, there’s no doubt that the memories will stay in their hearts and become a special part in their heart.