The anime “Ranking of Kings”, known as a touching masterpiece, the protagonist Bojji was born weak, deaf, and could not speak clearly. Through his actions he proved that, although not being perfect, power is in your hands. Such courage is not only found in anime, but CHF’s children also show through their actions that hearing loss do not limit their capabilities. They not only learn hard to speak, but also speak to anyone that listens by performing a situation comedy in vivid spoken language on World Hearing Day 2022 and answering questions online for the public!
CHF has been committed to helping children with hearing loss to learn to listen and speak, so that they can regain their laughter and find their voice happily. Experiences at the CHF shows that children with hearing loss spend multiple times more than ordinary children to learn to listen and speak. Only through repeated practice, they can listen and speak well. Therefore, children with hearing loss may be more aware that healthy hearing is at the core of leading to happiness. If the world is on mute, no matter how close we are, we could not be in agreement through conversation.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated March 3 as World Hearing Day every year, calling on attention to prevent hearing loss and improve hearing care through the world. The theme of Hearing Day 2022 is “To hear for life, listen with care”. To celebrate the World Hearing Day and raise people’s awareness on hearing health, 5 CHF children with hearing loss performed a situation comedy in fluent spoken language, answering online questions about the Top 5 burning questions that people want to know about, such as tinnitus, hearing aging, and can the baby in the womb hear… etc.
Hearing loss is not immediately noticeable, and once hearing is lost, it is permanent and irreversible. These children who were born deaf or hard of hearing transformed so much, showing that the children could listen and hear as well as ordinary children, perform short plays, and call on the public to pay attention to the importance of hearing health. Happiness is being able to hear and speak out your love!
Event link: https://www.chfn.org.tw/news/index/1/1481